Kristen Live

Kristen Live

Descrizione del progetto

We’re proud to present you the brand new Kristen Live Official mobile App!
Here you’ll find the most interesting content from Kristen Live, not available elsewhere. You will have access to exclusive photos, behind the scenes, unseen videos and everything is related to her.
Enjoy the app as a free user, unlocking premium content by seeing some ads, or you can give yourself a full premium experience become a subscriber. As a subscriber, you will have the ads removed, unlocking, at the same time, the “exclusive” content, available to subscribers only!

Last but not least, use the Q&A section to make request to Kristen Live in person! Choose between text, image or video requests and she’ll answer you with a text, a photo or a video. She’s is personally answering to every single question, carefully crafting the answer, so please be patient!

Please contact the customer service at to receive full support. Your satisfaction is our number one priority!

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